At first glance, Fuerteventura with its arid landscape may not seem like a paradise for animals. However, the apparent lack of green vegetation has given rise to an amazing variety of animal species that are perfectly adapted to the island’s conditions. In this article, you can find out which animals live in the unusual habitats of Fuerteventura.
Animals on Fuerteventura – Overview
Animals on Fuerteventura – The Canarian Lizard
The Canarian lizard is a unique species of lizard that is native to the Canary Islands. This lizard species has developed a special adaptation to survive in the dry and often rocky habitats of the island. With an average body length of 20 to 30 centimetres, the Canarian lizard is not a large lizard, but its ability to adapt makes it a fascinating inhabitant of the island. It is characterised by its variable colouring, which ranges from green to brown to grey.
In its habitat, which ranges from dry areas to coastal zones, the Canarian lizard feeds mainly on insects. It is a skilful hunter that catches its prey with quick movements. The lizards are diurnal and use the sun to regulate their body temperature. They are excellent climbers and can move effortlessly on rocks and stones.
Animals on Fuerteventura – Ziegen auf Fuerteventura
Another animal on Fuerteventura is the goat. The goats on Fuerteventura have an interesting historical significance. They were introduced to the Canary Islands by the early settlers and were valuable livestock for milk, meat and fur.

Their remarkable ability to adapt to the arid environment of the island is impressive, but their overgrazing has led to the loss of natural vegetation. Conservation projects have been launched to restore the ecological balance. These efforts aim to make goat farming sustainable and minimise the negative environmental impact. Nevertheless, goats have long been a cultural part of Canarian cuisine and demonstrate the complex relationship between humans, animals and the environment.
Animals on Fuerteventura – Donkeys on Fuerteventura
There are donkeys on Fuerteventura and they are an important part of the island’s culture and tradition. Fuerteventura is known for its Majorero-donkeys, the only native horse breed of the Canary Islands. This breed of donkey is small to medium sized and robust, making them ideal for the conditions and stony terrain of the island.
The donkeys of Fuerteventura were traditionally used for agricultural work and the transport of goods. They played a crucial role in the development of the island and were indispensable labour partners for the farmers.
Today, donkeys on Fuerteventura are no longer used as frequently in agriculture, but they are often used for tourist activities and excursions. There are also donkey protection organisations on Fuerteventura that look after mistreated or neglected donkeys and work to protect these animals.
Animals on Fuerteventura – Atlas squirrels on Fuerteventura
The cute Atlas squirrels on Fuerteventura are the island highlight. They jump around between the rocks and have conquered the island in no time. But how did they get to this island? Quick as lightning from left to right. These little Atlas squirrels are really cute. They are often mistaken for chipmunks. But now they are not only an attraction on the island, they have also become a nuisance.
The Atlas squirrel originally comes from Morocco and Algeria. As the name suggests, it lives in the Atlas Mountains. It is said that around 20 years ago, a couple brought the Atlas squirrels to the island in their rucksack and they then escaped. As a result, the small animals spread to Fuerteventura.
The conditions on the island are ideal. You can feel the proximity to the African continent. The island is hilly, but also flat and exposed to the hot winds of the desert. The vegetation is therefore very sparse. An ideal habitat for the Atlas squirrel.

The Atlas squirrel originally comes from Morocco and Algeria. As the name suggests, it lives in the Atlas Mountains. It is said that around 20 years ago, a couple brought the Atlas squirrels to the island in their rucksack and they then escaped. As a result, the small animals spread to Fuerteventura.
The conditions on the island are ideal. You can feel the proximity to the African continent. The island is hilly, but also flat and exposed to the hot winds of the desert. The vegetation is therefore very sparse. An ideal habitat for the Atlas squirrel.
Animals on Fuerteventura – The Canary Island hare on Fuerteventura
The Canary Island hare is a subspecies of the European hare that is native to the Canary Islands. The Canary Island hare has a slender build with long ears, large eyes and long hind legs. Its fur varies in colour from grey-brown to sand-coloured, which gives it good camouflage in the dry, rocky landscapes of the Canary Islands.
The Canary Island hare is well protected on the Canary Islands and is not considered an endangered species. On Fuerteventura and other islands, they contribute to the preservation of ecological diversity and are an important part of the ecosystem. They serve as important prey for birds of prey and other carnivores in the Canary Islands. Their habitat and activities affect the vegetation and soil, which in turn has an impact on other animal species and the environment.
Animals on Fuerteventura – Birds on Fuerteventura
The island is home to many different bird species, including migratory and native species. Here are some birds that you can observe on Fuerteventura:
Canary Island Canary: This is a characteristic bird of the Canary Islands, which include Fuerteventura. The Canary Island Canary is a small, yellow songbird and one of the region’s landmarks.
Collared shearwater: These seabirds nest on the cliffs and in the caves along the coasts of Fuerteventura.
Canary Island sparrow: This sparrow is one of the most common bird species on the island and can be found in both urban and rural areas.
Canary wheatear: This wheatear is a migratory bird and can be found on Fuerteventura in winter.