All you need to know
Important information for your stay with us
Welcome to FreshSurf!
We have put together all the information you need for your stay on Fuerteventura!
We wish you a great time and unforgettable moments!
On this page you will find important information for your stay here with us on Fuerteventura in a short summary. We have put together information about buses, taxis, bicycle and car rental in El Cotillo, as well as the most important emergency numbers and information about medical care here on the island.
Info FreshSurf
Check out is at 10:00. You can leave your luggage in the living room of your accommodation (Surfhouse, Surf-WG, Surfvilla) or with us at the surf school. You can simply leave the key hanging on the open door or bring it to our office.
Infors about your surf course
You can always find the time for your surf course one day in advance online at The password is sweetspot77.
If you are unable to attend a surf course day, please do not forget to cancel the course by 18:00 the day before!
Info about the surf school
If you have any questions about your holiday, the surfrental and everything organizational – or just to say hello – you will find us in the surf school. The opening hours are Mon – Sat 9 to 14 hrs and 17 to 18 hrs.
The address of the surf school is: Calle Hermanas del Castillo 4, Edificio El Carmen Local 3, 35650 El Cotillo
34 639 49 21 23
For emergencies: +34 644 713 093

Bus – El Cotillo
Line 8: El Cotillo – Corralejo
In Cotillo: 08:00 to 20:00, always on the hour
In Corralejo: 09:00 to 21:00, always on the hour
Line 7: El Cotillo – Puerto del Rosario
06:45, 12:00, 17:00
The bus stop is directly opposite the surf school!

Taxi – El Cotillo
Taxis are available at the following numbers:
1) 626 319 018
2) 928 537 441
3) 928 866 108
Costs: The taxi to Corralejo is about 30 €, to the airport about 50 €.

Bike rental – El Cotillo
Bike rental in El Cotillo: “Riders Surf ‘n Bike” on the main street, 10% discount for FreshSurf guests.
Opening hours: 09:00 – 13:00 and 16:00 – 19:00

Car Rental – El Cotillo
Car rental: “Coticar” at the Cotillo Beach Hotel.
Opening hours: 08:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 19:00
You will find more providers in Corralejo and at the airport!

In case of emergency
The nearest pharmacy is in Lajares on the main road.
Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 09:00 – 13:00 and 17:00 – 19:00
Saturdays from 13:00 and Sundays closed
German medical practice Dr. Kerstin Werner
Calle Acorazado de Espana, 2 in Corralejo
Emergency number: +34 928 537 474
Emergency rooms / Hospitals
Brisamar (private), Av. Nuestra Senora del Carmen, 66, Corralejo, Tel.: +34 928 536 402
Centro de Salud, Av. Juan Carles I, 26, Corralejo, Tel.: +34 928 535 480
Hospital Puerto del Rosario, Carretera del Aeropuerto, km 1, 35660 Puerto del Rosario
Emergency numbers
Emergency call / ambulance / fire brigade: 112
Police (La Oliva): +34 928 866 107