Cleanliness, mindfulness, safety!


Safety on surfing holidays on Fuerteventura – Our hygiene concept 

Maybe you have already asked yourself if a stay with us is safe and what measures we take to minimize the risk of infection in our surf school on Fuerteventura? How do we ensure that you will find a place of rest, peace and relaxation with us? What hygiene standards do we set, how often do we disinfect and what are the rules when staying at FreshSurf? This is exactly what we will explain to you on the following page. We have developed a hygiene concept for our surf school, the accommodation, the accommodation of our partners, where we meet the requirements for safety distances, regular disinfection of our rooms and vehicles, without you having to sacrifice comfort and relaxation during surf lessons, in the accommodation or in common areas.

Our hygiene regulations comply with the WHO, EU and the strict rules for tourism of the Canary Islands authorities.

It is very important to us to create an unforgettable holiday experience for you. Experience a surfing holiday just the way you like it, with surfing and relaxing in the foreground. Feel safe and secure. With mindfulness and mutual responsibility it will be guaranteed an unforgettable stay with us in Fuerteventura.

Preventive measures from FreshSurf

What do we at FreshSurf do to make our surf school and surf camp operations as safe as possible through preventive measures?

  1. You can register for surf courses online via our website or via Whatsapp.
  2. Payment on site at the POS is made with gloves, disinfection of the card with hydroalcoholic gel and prior disinfection of hands. In case of cash payment the money will also be disinfected by us. We ask for the exact amount.
  3. Information about the planning of surf courses and activities can be found online in our surf course planner. We will send you the corresponding password in good time.
  4. We minimise existing risks through established protocols (cleaning protocols, disinfection protocols, guidelines for surf course participants and travellers, etc.)
  5. We relax our cancellation conditions in case of illness or suspicion.
  6. We label our premises and prepare them with preventive measures.
  7. We train our team for even more security.
  8. We have adapted our rules in the surf courses accordingly.
  9. Before reopening, all accommodation, the office and the vehicles are subjected to basic cleaning and disinfection. The complete material is also disinfected.



Signposting of the surf school and accommodation on Fuerteventura

In order to be able to ensure that the appropriate precautionary and hygiene measures are observed, we will provide various areas with appropriate signs. You can find these in the following sections:

  • entrance area
  • delivery of material
  • loading area boards
  • theory area

In the entrance areas (2 m marked distance), premises, warehouses, lounges, means of transport, etc. we use clearly visible and permanent signs with warnings, preventive measures and emergency telephone numbers. We use posters on which the “most important” precautions are illustrated.

In waiting areas in front of the surf school and in the surf school in front of the reception, we will put horizontal signs on the floor indicating the distances of 2 meters. Furthermore, we will use vertical signage with

  • the recommended social distance,
  • the use of face masks in the common areas, the surf school and the accommodation or if the distance of 2 m to another person cannot be maintained,
  • the importance of frequent hand washing,
  • the use of hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance to the surf school or other premises,
  • the use of gloves when shopping or handling materials,
  • as well as the correct behaviour when coughing or sneezing into the crook of your arm

visible to you.

Preparation of premises through preventive measures

We will take the following measures to prepare the office, the theory area, the toilets, the material store and all other premises:

  • Limiting the capacity of rooms,
  • toilets will be closed
  • we will place physical barriers
  • we will use cleaning protocols to clean and disinfect the surf school several times a day.
  • there are hydroalcoholic gel dispensers at the entrances to schools and other premises. There are also portable bottles for teachers and staff. Each guest is requested to bring his own bottle of disinfectant.
  • our employees wear protective masks when they are present in the surf school, during the drive to the surf spot and in the theory area.
  • each participant must have his own personal protective equipment and use it whenever the personal distance of 2 m cannot be maintained, e.g. during transport or activities where the proximity of another person requires it, if the distance is less than 2 m
  • bottles with hydroalcoholic gels (alcohol over 70 ° C) are provided
  • the social distance is 2 m on land and at least 4 m in water

We strive to promote social distance, but we are also aware that every guest is required to do his or her best to support us.

Preparation of the accommodations by means of preventive measures

We will take the following measures to prepare our accommodations:

  • The houses and apartments were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before reopening.
  • We will use cleaning protocols to clean and disinfect the common areas.
  • There are hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers at the entrances to the accommodations or disinfectant dispensers with hydro-alcoholic gels (alcohol over 70 ° C) are available.
  • Seating furniture, etc. are arranged according to the prescribed safety distance.
  • Every guest is asked to take care of self-protection in the premises and is also asked to carry his own bottle of disinfectant with him.
  • Our employees wear protective masks at check-ins, during the drive to the accommodations.
  • Bed linen and towels are washed at min. 60 degrees
  • After guests have left, the accommodation will remain ventilated as long as possible until new guests arrive.

We strive to promote social distance, but we are also aware that every guest is required to do his or her best to support us. For which we would like to thank you in advance!

Creation of a cleaning and disinfection plan

We will use a general cleaning and disinfection plan for facilities, materials, equipment and vehicles. This is followed precisely on a daily basis and we document which measures were taken, when and how. This includes the following points:

  • Surfaces to be cleaned and disinfected as well as the equipment needed for this purpose: counters / common areas / doors with buttons / changing rooms and bathrooms / protective material / PPE as well as common and personal equipment for activities / vehicles / storage / facilities / collective materials / tables / suits / inventions / vats / etc…
  • Products and methods to be used
  • Frequency of wiping and disinfecting (depending on the area, equipment or material, a daily cleaning of 1, 2 or more is carried out)
    identification of the person responsible for wiping and disinfecting
  • Cleaning with approved cleaning agents and disinfectants
  • FFrequency of cleaning and disinfection of the facilities as well as the counters, door handles, furniture, floors, telephones, shared materials, clothing, wetsuits, lycras, specific materials, etc.
  • Increased cleaning frequency in “hot spot” areas
  • Use of Vinyl / Acrylonitrile gloves
  • Control and increase the stock of cleaning agents and protective equipment to ensure their availability at all times: Gel or disinfectant solution for hands, disposable handkerchiefs and gloves and garbage bags
  • Daily review of the stock
  • Work with hydroalcoholic disinfectant solutions for the disinfection of material (surfboards, wetsuits, lycras, leashes)
  • Use of waste bins with lid and pedal
  • Distance thermometer: We will measure the body temperature of the surf students at the beginning of the surf course by surf instructors and note it in the course plan. The measured temperature must always be below 37°C in order to be admitted to the activity

Cleaning of material

  • adherence to a cleaning protocol for the use of materials – before and after their use – which ensures the neutralisation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on all materials used
  • Pressure spray tanks for disinfection (boards: 1 L with 30 ml bleach per liter of water).
  • SANYTOL NEOPRENCLEAN: Soak for 10 minutes and do not rinse – then let dry
  • Soak Lycras with SANYTOL and we do not rinse them – just let them dry afterwards

Theory units will be sent to the guests to study online if the theory cannot be performed with a safety distance of 2 m.

The protocols of the measures taken are kept by us to confirm that the measures have been observed and carried out!

Vorbeugende Maßnahmen für jeden einzelnen Teilnehmer

General measures for each participant

In the following we will show you the preventive measures that you and every other participant in an activity at FreshSurf must take:

  • Accept the information provided by the school regarding the activity and the conditions for cancelling the course in case of symptoms, illness or suspicious cases.
  • If possible, check the temperature at home before leaving the house. We will try to provide distance thermometers.
  • Should any symptom occur, however mild (cough, fever, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, diarrhoea, shortness of breath), we ask you not to leave the house and to call 112 (or any other telephone number provided by us) and to follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • Compliance with a minimum social distance of 2 m in general
  • Wash your hands before leaving home (at least 40 seconds)
  • Use of personal protective equipment (FFP2 or FFP3 masks, transparent screen, disposable vinyl or latex gloves, etc.)
  • Use of preferably closed shoes to get to the beach / reef
  • In case of coughing or sneezing cover mouth and nose with a disposable handkerchief or with bent elbow against the arm
  • Bring a bottle of hydroalcoholic beverages and a drinking bottle (drinking bottles are not shared!)
  • Avoidance of physical interaction
  • Keep a minimum distance of 2 m where possible
  • If possible drive to the surf spot with your own rental car
  • Cleaning the vehicle before and after use (handles, seats, knobs, armrests, etc.). The use of vinyl or latex gloves disinfected with hydroalcoholic gel is recommended.
  • We will provide you with a separate container for your wetsuit (plastic bag, tub, etc.)
  • Bring your own sun cream and lipstick

Transfer from the car park to the coast

  • Each participant wears only his own material (board, suit, lycra) without touching or holding the material of another participant
  • Sunscreen creams or lipsticks are not shared with other people

Conduct on the beach

  • Keep a minimum distance of 4 m when stretching and warming up on the beach
  • We avoid a very long warm-up time on land to avoid the proximity of other beach visitors
  • The school area will possibly be marked with flags or other means (e.g. boards)
  • The surf instructor speaks in such a way that no droplets fly towards the student
  • Students address the teacher with their arm in front of their mouth

After the surf course

  • No shared showers, hoses or foot washing.
  • No sharing of towels, headgear, ponchos or other clothing
  • No sharing of headphones or objects.
  • No sharing of personal hygiene products (combs, nail clippers, moisturising or protective creams, etc.)
  • No sharing of bottles with drinkable liquids
  • No food sharing
  • No use of shared “containers to transport the material
  • Each student places his material in a separate container to avoid contact with other materials deposited by other students.
    Disinfection of the “containers” takes place at the surf school

What to do in case of symptoms?

What to do if a member of the surf school or a student who has performed an activity in the last 14 days has symptoms compatible with COVID 19 disease?

Notification of the following authorities

  • Informing the surf school
  • Inform 112 or the following body: Canaries – 900112061

Identification of the participants of the surf school (teachers, students, technical and administrative staff) who were in close contact with the suspected participant. They are informed about the situation and kept up to date. Now the person affected by symptoms is tested and then the further procedure depends on the test result:

➢ If the test result is negative?

✓ If the result is negative and the symptoms persist, the participant will stay at home and follow the instructions of the health service or doctor.

➢ If the test result is positive?

✓ If the result was positive, the participant remains isolated at home and must also carry out the administrative procedures mentioned above.

✓ The managing director of the surf school coordinates the actions with the appropriate responsible persons to adopt the necessary measures with regard to the rest of the participants who have been in close contact with the diagnosed employee during the last 15 days. Cleaning and disinfection of the material or areas touched by the participant. For this purpose we use the documented protocols (with first and last names, telephone numbers and temperatures of the participants) of the activities carried out in the last 15 days.

✓ Information for participants: contacting potential stakeholders
Students, teachers and organisers / managers who may have participated in the activities in the last 15 days will be notified.

Interruption of activities for a period of 15 days from the last participation of an affected person with a positive test result.

✓ After confirmation of a positive case for Covid 19, a comprehensive cleaning of all surf school material (offices, rooms, storage, media) with sufficient disinfecting products is carried out in addition to the “General Cleaning Plan”. This includes means of transport, boards, suits, lycras, fins, towels, ponchos or other materials used)

Our promise for a great surfing holiday on Fuerteventura

We will do everything in our power to maintain hygiene standards. We ask each of our guests for help and initiative. Be considerate, be careful and look after each other. We want you to feel comfortable and have a great time on Fuerteventura. Bring a little more time and patience every now and then when everything takes a little longer. Think about your own protection (keep your distance, protective clothing, disinfection, washing your hands, etc.) and help us with hints if we can improve anything so that you feel even safer. 

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon here on Fuerteventura!

your FreshSurf-team