There are only a few sports that complement each other as well as surfing and yoga. Yoga for surfers not only improves flexibility, but also coordination and endurance.
Yoga exercises not only teach surfers how to channel their fears and thoughts, but also how to ideally prepare for their next surf trip.
Below we will show you various exercises that you can easily do at home to prepare for your next surf trip.
Yoga for surfers
The Cobra Position
The cobra strengthens the back muscles, which is very helpful when paddling on the board.This is how the cobra works
- Lie on your stomach with your forehead touching the floor and your hands next to your chest.
- Press all your toes against the floor and activate your legs so that your knees are slightly above the floor. Pull your tailbone back towards your heels.

- Roll your shoulders back and lift your chest off the floor. The shoulders are far away from the ears, the shoulder blades pull towards each other and then downwards.
Your neck is in line with your spine and you are looking downwards.
Duration: Hold the cobra for three deep breaths, breathe deeply into your belly and then rest your forehead on the floor. Repeat the cobra three to five times.
Yoga for surfers
The warrior II
The second warrior is a yoga pose that stands for strength and stability – and that’s exactly what you need when you’re standing on your board.How Warrior II works
- Do a straddle, turn the toes of the front foot forwards and the toes of the back foot sideways.
- The front leg is bent and exactly above the ankle joint. The thigh and lower leg form a 90 degree angle. The back leg is straight and stable. Press into the outer edge of the back foot.
- The upper body is upright and in the centre of both legs. The balance should be evenly distributed on both feet.
- Now stretch your arms parallel to the floor to the right and left. The fingertips extend the arms and your gaze goes sideways towards the bent leg.
Duration: Hold the second warrior for five to eight deep breaths and then switch sides.

Yoga for surfers
Utthita Parsvakonasana (Stretched Side Angle Pose)
The arms and shoulders tend to be strained on one side due to all the paddling. The perfect counter-movement to this is the stretched side angle pose.
This is how the stretched side angle position works
- Start in the warrior 2 position and bend your right leg 90 degrees outwards and your left leg slightly inwards.
- Bend your right knee so that it is over your ankle. Keep your left leg straight and press the outer edge of your left foot into the floor.

- Keep your upper body centred and upright. Place your right forearm on your right thigh or your hand on the floor next to your right foot.
- Stretch your left arm over your head so that it forms a line with your body. The palm of your hand should be facing downwards. Look towards the fingertips of your left hand.
Duration: Hold this position for five to eight breaths. Switch sides and repeat this pose.
Yoga for surfers
The planc position
The basic push-up position is ideal for building strength in the centre of the body and the shoulders. The more strength you have in your stomach and arms, the faster you can jump onto your board to come to a stop in front of the wave.How the plank works
- Your body should form a line from the top of your head to your heels during the plank. The heels pull back and the pelvis is held.
- Pull your belly button inwards towards your spine and position your shoulders above your wrists.

- Drücke dich vom Boden weg und versuche es zu vermeiden zwischen den Schulterblättern einzusinken. Ziehe das Brustbein nach vorne und hebe deinen Blick.
Dauer: Halte die Planke für fünf Atemzüge, nimm dann die Knie zum Boden, entspanne kurz und wiederhole die Haltung zwei bis dreimal.
Yoga for surfers
Viparita Karani
One of the most popular exercises to get tired legs fit again is Viparita Karani.
This is the inversion pose in which both legs are stretched vertically upwards and the accumulated blood can flow back to the heart centre. This position is also perfect for relieving back pain.
How the Viparita Karani inversion pose works
- Lie on your back and stretch your legs upwards, stay in this position for as long as you like.
Yoga for surfers
The boat position
This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and supports the back muscles.
How the boat works
- Start from a seated position with your legs bent and your knees close to your upper body. As you inhale, lift your feet first, then your lower legs and bring them parallel to the floor. Also raise your outstretched arms parallel to the floor.

- Balance on your ischial tuberosities and pull your belly button towards your spine. Avoid contact between the floor and the tip of your tailbone. Keep your pelvis and abdomen tensed at all times.
Yoga for surfers
Pranayama – Breathing techniques
Pranayama is just a generic term for all breathing exercises. It is about gaining more control over your breath. In addition, many breathing techniques also strengthen our breathing volume, which is beneficial when surfing.

How three-part breathing works
The inhalation is divided into three parts and we breathe first into the lower abdomen, then into the middle abdomen and finally into the chest. We hold the breath there for as long as possible and then breathe out evenly and relaxed.