
Overpower your instincts and reflexes when you enter the ocean, without any equipment. Every time you dive deeper and longer, combining freedom and thrill. Learn how to control and hold your breath and relax your muscles to get down the line up to 30 meter deep.

Freediving extends your consciousness about what’s happening in your body and makes you feel confident about the ocean. Together with our diving school we can organise courses and coachings for different abilities or courses designed especially for surfers.

By the way: The world records for freediving are 11:35 minutes of time underwater and 281 m of depth.

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Discover freediving

You are curious about the sea and want to explore it? This “discover freediving” course is the right thing for you! Learn about the basic theory, breathing techniques, equalisation and the safety aspects of diving without equipment. It includes an open or confine water session and the coaches will teach you the basics of static apnea. Once you’ve learned about the techniques, it’s time for some dives down a rope – goal: 8 metre.

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Freediving: Level 1

The perfect introduction for freediving: The Level 1 course will give you all the needed skills to go freediving on your own – even without a coach. In the theory part of the lesson your coach will teach you all essentials about breathing, relaxation, equalisation, pressure, safety and rescue. After a session with static and dynamic apnoe techniques in confined waters, you’ll have several dives in the open water – goal: 20 metres.

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Freediving: Level 2

The aim of the intermediate freediving course is to push your confidence and consciousness whilst free diving in the sea and the diving. In a detailed theory unit you will learn about the cardiovascular system, buoyancy applied to freediving, Dalton’s and Boyle’s laws, BO/SWBO, mammalian dive reflex and different training concepts. When you are ready, the practice starts with several confined water sessions before you dive down 30 meters in open water sessions.


Training for Surfers

It’s all about confidence: When you wipe out in extreme situations, the hold down through the wave can take some time. Now, don’t panic, stay calm and hold your breath. Easier said than done. This course helps you to handle the stress and to keep your heart rate down. You will learn what happens to your body when you wipe out and how to manage the situation perfectly – specialised training especially for big conditions and waves.


Night diving

A beautiful diving experience throughout the night: That’s the time of the day when fish become more active and leave their hide-outs. The perfect moment for a freediving session! Equipped with a flashlight and fluorescent light you discover the underwater world in shallow water and lagoons. If conditions aren’t perfect, you’ll experience your surroundings snorkelling.

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You successfully completed a freediving level 1 or level 2 course and loved the feeling of being in the water? Then it’s time for diving on your own!
In a training session, you’ll be freediving alone, in open water or down the line. If you don’t feel confident enough or still need some advice on freediving, you can upgrade to a coaching with a diving insctructor instead.

Gallery: Freediving in Fuerteventura

Our cooperation partner for freediving on Fuerteventura

magma kitesurf schoolOur cooperation partner Magma Freediving School is a team of enthusiastic water sports enthusiasts who are passionate about freediving, apnea diving and other water sports on Fuerteventura. Enter a whole new world and let us show you the best tips and tricks here on Fuerteventura. Here you’ll receive theory and practical lessons at the highest level, whether it’s to improve your level or for your first contact with a new sport.

Here you will receive theoretical and practical lessons at the highest level, either to improve your kitesurfing level or for your first contact with a new sport.


Message to Magma Kitesurf School

Here you can contact the Magma Kitesurf School directly with your questions, to get in touch or to make a booking. Please send your message in English!!!

Freediving inquiry from FreshSurf

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