stretching after surfing - why it is so important

After Surf Stretching – Why you should stretch after your surf session!

The first surf sessions are behind you, you’re really hooked again but your arms are getting heavy and your shoulders are aching from all the paddling? Especially after a long break from surfing, your body first has to get used to the intense strain that surfing entails. That’s why stretching after surfing should never be neglected! We’ll show you the best exercises here!

Overview – Stretching after surfing

stretchen nach dem surfen - cobra pose am strand

Heavy arms after surfing

We all enjoy our time on the water: surfing is not only good for the body, it also allows us to switch off and leave everyday life behind on the beach. Despite this meditative effect, surfing is an extreme sport that works several muscle groups at the same time. The constant balancing acts, quick movements and repetitive pattern of standing up, balancing and riding the waves require a lot of strength and flexibility. Not forgetting the paddling back into the line-up or to catch the wave.

stretchen nach dem surfen - surfen im meer

When surfing, these muscle groups in particular are used (to a greater or lesser extent):

The repeated bending and stretching when paddling and surfing can cause strain on the back muscles.

Shoulders and arms
Paddling is an intensive exercise for your shoulders and arms. These movements can quickly lead to tension, especially if you are in the water for a long time.

Standing on the board and the various maneuvers mainly work the leg muscles, including the thigh muscles and calves.

Core muscles
Your core must remain stable at all times in order to keep your balance on the board.

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Many people don’t even notice it while they’re on the water, but a few hours later, tension can become noticeable, especially in the shoulder, neck and back area. With the right stretching routine, you can counteract these tensions and look forward to your next surf session in a relaxed manner.

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Why stretching after surfing is so important

Stretching exercises are often ridiculed by some and simply forgotten by others. But they are the key to happiness and can (especially in combination with a good warm-up) prevent injuries and counteract tension.

Stretching after surfing helps to pull your muscles apart and lengthen them. When you strain your muscles, the muscle fibrils shorten and this allows the muscle to tighten. Targeted stretching after surfing allows the muscle to relax and regenerate.

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When stretching, you stretch your muscles to a certain stretch end point where you feel tension but no pain. Your nervous system registers the stretch and will initially react reflexively by stopping the stretch. If you hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds longer, your body will recognize that there is no danger and give in to the stretch. This will make the stretch less strenuous and the muscle will relax. (Source)

stretching after surfing - going into the water

Stretching after surfing therefore helps to relax your strained muscles. It is important to remember that only warm muscles with a good blood supply can give way to stretching. So even if you’re tired and exhausted from surfing, it’s worth stretching immediately after surfing to maintain the flexibility of the muscles you’ve used.

stretchen nach dem surfen - dehnen nach dem sport

Dynamic & static stretching

When stretching, a distinction is made between dynamic and static stretching. Which type of stretching exercise is right for you depends entirely on your sport. Dynamic stretching involves active movements that move the muscle through the entire range of motion. Swings, circles and lunges are all part of dynamic stretching. Static stretching, on the other hand, involves holding the stretching position for several seconds.
stretchen nach dem surfen - steinstapel

When stretching after surfing, you should use static stretching exercises. When warming up, on the other hand, it makes sense to incorporate dynamic stretching exercises into your routine.

Dynamic stretching warms up your muscles and promotes blood circulation. This keeps you warm and prevents your muscles from getting injured during the subsequent surfing session.

Static stretching, on the other hand, relaxes and relieves your muscles, which is just right for you and your body after an intensive surf session!

Stretching after surfing – what you can do

Here are some targeted stretching exercises that will help you recover better after surfing!
stretching after surfing - shoulders


Get into a quadruped position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. As you inhale, lower your stomach and lift your chin towards the ceiling (cow pose). As you exhale, round your back and pull your chin towards your chest (cat pose). Repeat these movements 10-15 times.

Shoulder stretch

Stretch one arm out in front of you and bring it across your chest. Use your other hand to gently pull your arm closer to your chest. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then switch sides.

stretching after surfing - legs

Chest opener

Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch your arms downwards while opening your chest forwards. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.

Hip flexor stretch

Get into a deep lunge position with one leg stretched forward and the other stretched back. Gently push the pelvis forward to stretch the hip flexors. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds and then switch legs.

stretching after surfing - harmstring stretch


Sit on the floor, stretch one leg out straight and bend the other leg so that the sole of the foot is on the inside of the stretched leg. Carefully bend forward to stretch the hamstrings. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then switch legs.

Calf stretch

Stand in front of a wall, place one foot behind you and keep your leg straight. Gently press your heel against the floor until you feel a stretch in your calf. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then switch legs.

stretchen nach dem surfen - dreiecks pose am strand

Why you should stretch after surfing

By stretching regularly after surfing and after sport in general, you increase your flexibility and prevent muscular problems at the same time. Pain can also be alleviated by careful (!) and gentle stretching. This not only makes you more flexible, but also reduces the risk of injury.
stretchen nach dem surfen - rückentwist

Don’t rush yourself when stretching after surfing, but try to really hold each position for 15 to 30 seconds. But never go beyond your pain threshold! If you have sore muscles or other injuries, you should not stretch, but wait until the pain has subsided.

stretchen nach dem surfen - yoga am strand

Regular stretching after surfing will not only help you recover faster, but also improve your overall flexibility and performance. So take the time to give your muscles the attention they deserve – your body will thank you for it!

Stretching always helps me start my day in a good way.

Nyjah Huston